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Our Giving Back List: 40 Acts of Kindness

40 Acts of Kindness   Our Giving Back List of 40 Acts of Kindness is growing to showcase the amazing generosity and charity of our team and our clients.  Our clients have demonstrated numerous acts of kindness through the years. In fact, just last year the Qualified Charitable Donations (QCD’s) distributed from our client accounts […]

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annual meeting

Our Market Recap of 2023 and Outlook for 2024

WPC Annual Meeting Summary and Takeaways Our 2023 Recap and 2024 Outlook and Team News   WPC Annual Meeting’s Key Takeaways There is a difference of opinion on recession versus soft landing as the year begins. The effects of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy have long and variable lags. There is still more to play

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Is Your Investment Portfolio Meeting Your Needs?

Take time for an investment check up! When was the last time you looked at your investments?  Has it been a year or more since you last reviewed your investment portfolio? Investment philosophies and approaches vary, at Wealth Planning Corporation we follow a time-tested formula to help clients achieve their wealth goals through a disciplined

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Emerging Investor – Where do I begin?

Emerging Investors – Where do I begin? Emerging investors–or those new to saving, investing, and managing their personal finances–often come to us with targeted “basic” financial questions.  This is where the relationship begins. We learn about their situation and long-term goals. Most importantly, we begin to build the partnership. We strive to be their “go

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monthly paycheck

I Miss My Monthly Paycheck. Help!

One of the most difficult adjustments for clients as they enter retirement is to flip that switch from receiving a paycheck into their bank account to withdrawing funds from their investment accounts.  We have found that many clients have actually worked longer because they just couldn’t reverse this thinking. Investors are savers and for savers

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Financials 101: 26 Financial Tips for the Next Generation

Why is it important to start early in saving for retirement?  Here are a few stats to ponder…the Government Accountability Office study (2019) found that nearly 48% of Americans ages 55 and older don’t have any retirement nest egg or traditional pension plan. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found in its 20th annual survey that

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soon to be in retirement in Cincinnati

Are you Charitable or Philanthropic?

Charitably inclined means you give time, energy or resources to known organizations that are near and dear to your heart.  For example, charitable giving can include annual donations to a camp or university that really impacted your life or volunteering at a local food pantry or shelter for victims of domestic abuse.  Here is an

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New Fintech Tool Added to Our Financial Planning Toolbox

WPC has added a tool to our Financial Planning Toolbox – TIFIN Plan.  A Fintech platform using AI technology to simplify the financial discovery process and promote engaging conversations!  We have found it invaluable when addressing the Next Gen’s financial questions. So let’s sit down and quickly get to the point answering what is really

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