Next Gen

financial advice and tips

Financial Tips to Know Early In Life – “If I Knew This”

Financial Tips to Know Early in Life   Over the years our clients have made comments about financial decisions or actions they wish they had taken earlier in life.   These financial tips to know early in life were compiled into a series of If I Knew This financial advice tidbits.  Most often it is our […]

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parents with new kids saving

Parents with New Kids – What to Know Starting Out

Parents with New Kids: What to Know Starting Out Young parents with new kids – what to know starting out.  Here are three quick tips for early financial success as you begin the journey. Building a family, thinking about budgets, worrying about college funding and protecting your family’s financial well-being may feel a little overwhelming.

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Graduates with New Jobs – What to Know Starting Out!

Graduates with New Jobs: What to Know Starting Out!   Three quick tips for early financial success as you start out. Learning a new job, moving to a new place, meeting new faces, and visiting your college friends all takes planning. During this busy time, don’t forget about planning your finances. Financial Tip #1: Create

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Cincinnati financial planning

Types of Investment Accounts

Investment and Savings Accounts What type of financial account do you have, and do you understand its tax consequences?   During client meetings we are often asked to explain what the differences are between various types of accounts, as well as how they are taxed. Read to learn more about employer plans, IRA’s, college savings

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New Year, New Retirement Contribution Limits…More in 2024

New Year, New Contribution Limits – More in 2024 At the beginning of each year, it is important to take a moment and familiarize yourself with the retirement contribution limits. Determine how the annual limits for contributing to retirement accounts relate to your financial goals. Adjusting your savings and investments sooner than later could have

New Year, New Retirement Contribution Limits…More in 2024 Read More »

Next Gen Wealth planning - couple lreviewing finances

Where to Start?

What should be the focus in discussions with a financial advisor? Financial or wealth planning has a broad range of topics.  As CFP® Financial Planners, our focus is on individuals and families achieving their wealth goals and financial security.  Often, we meet individuals who are simply overwhelmed. They ask, “Where do we even start?” or

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Financial Transitions and Timelines

What is your financial timeline? Where do you see yourself?  Do you know how to work through life’s many transitions? From young emerging investors to seasoned exceeding investors, along the way financial events will arise and wo will the need for confident financial decision making. We often hear from our clients “we don’t want to

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How to go from being a “Henry” to a “Sherwin” in your Lifetime

Are you a Henry (High Earners Not Rich Yet)… …Or a Sherwin (Successful High Earners Retired With Impressive Net-worth)?   (Short for “high earner not rich yet,” the term Henry was coined by Shawn Tully at Fortune magazine nearly 20 years ago) 5 easy steps to start you on your path to success Reach out for guidance early

How to go from being a “Henry” to a “Sherwin” in your Lifetime Read More »