Emerging Investor – Where do I begin?

Emerging Investors – Where do I begin?

Emerging investors–or those new to saving, investing, and managing their personal finances–often come to us with targeted “basic” financial questions.  This is where the relationship begins. We learn about their situation and long-term goals. Most importantly, we begin to build the partnership. We strive to be their “go to financial resource”.

  • How much should I be contributing to my employer sponsored plan?
  • Should I open a Roth IRA?
  • Do I need life insurance coverage?
  • Can we afford to buy our first home?

We answer specific questions as they arise, but we also take the time to gather information and begin the initial financial planning process.  Just like all other investors we begin to gather financial account information, set savings goals, and make some assumptions, such as targeted retirement year.  It may be a couple of years before a full financial plan is crafted, but the savings discipline and the investing will have started. Therefore, this investor will be positioned to experience the power of compounding.

What will be the focus?

  1. Budget
  2. Emergency Savings
  3. Insurance Coverage
  4. Types of Accounts
  5. Automating your Investments

At Wealth Planning Corporation as investors emerge, we take the time to answer their immediate concerns and coach them towards longer-term success each step of the way. Our goal is to move through the life stages with this investor so that they evolve into exceedingly successful retirees.


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