financial advice and tips

Financial Tips to Know Early In Life – “If I Knew This”

Financial Tips to Know Early in Life   Over the years our clients have made comments about financial decisions or actions they wish they had taken earlier in life.   These financial tips to know early in life were compiled into a series of If I Knew This financial advice tidbits.  Most often it is our […]

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Graduates with New Jobs – What to Know Starting Out!

Graduates with New Jobs: What to Know Starting Out!   Three quick tips for early financial success as you start out. Learning a new job, moving to a new place, meeting new faces, and visiting your college friends all takes planning. During this busy time, don’t forget about planning your finances. Financial Tip #1: Create

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Election Year and Market Impact Commentary

It’s an election year! Each election cycle brings campaigning, lots of news reporting and uncertainty.  A common question we are asked is how will the election year impact markets? Read our Election Year and Market Impact Commentary for the complete analysis and charts. Super Tuesday results are in! It looks, as though it will be

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tax prep information

Year-End Tax Information to Review

Before the year is over, cover all your bases and review tax savings strategies to assess if it is beneficial today or in the future.  Part of planning is trying to optimize tax savings over your entire lifetime.   Below is a list of questions to ask yourself and answer before December 31st. Review Tax Withholding

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Next Gen Financial Planning - young couple looking over their financial papers on the floor

Simple Personal Finance Best Practices Checklist

Are you looking for a checklist of best practices to set your financial house in order? Here’s our short, simple list of Personal Finance Best Practices (at any age) Live within your Means – Cover your essentials and decide on your extras. Have Health Insurance Coverage – That fits your situation. Establish Automatic Payments –

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Financials 101: 26 Financial Tips for the Next Generation

Why is it important to start early in saving for retirement?  Here are a few stats to ponder…the Government Accountability Office study (2019) found that nearly 48% of Americans ages 55 and older don’t have any retirement nest egg or traditional pension plan. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found in its 20th annual survey that

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soon to be in retirement in Cincinnati

Are you Charitable or Philanthropic?

Charitably inclined means you give time, energy or resources to known organizations that are near and dear to your heart.  For example, charitable giving can include annual donations to a camp or university that really impacted your life or volunteering at a local food pantry or shelter for victims of domestic abuse.  Here is an

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