Simple Personal Finance Best Practices Checklist

Next Gen Financial Planning - young couple looking over their financial papers on the floor

Are you looking for a checklist of best practices to set your financial house in order?

Here’s our short, simple list of Personal Finance Best Practices (at any age)

  1. Live within your Means – Cover your essentials and decide on your extras.
  2. Have Health Insurance Coverage – That fits your situation.
  3. Establish Automatic Payments – Set up your recurring bill payments, so never a late fee!
  4. Wise Use of Credit – Payoff balance in full monthly and build your credit score.
  5. Student Loans or Other Accumulated Debt – Make a repayment plan and tackle it head on!
  6. Open Savings Accounts or Roth IRA’s – Auto contribute and learn to live without these funds.
  7. Build an Emergency Fund – Have a cash cushion on hand for the unexpected.
  8. Contribute to your Employer Plan – Defer income and get the match!
  9. Investment Allocation – Invest for long term growth and harness the power of compounding.
  10. Mindful Spending – Know how your money flows!


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