Next Gen Investing

financial advice and tips

Financial Tips to Know Early In Life – “If I Knew This”

Financial Tips to Know Early in Life   Over the years our clients have made comments about financial decisions or actions they wish they had taken earlier in life.   These financial tips to know early in life were compiled into a series of If I Knew This financial advice tidbits.  Most often it is our […]

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Next Gen Financial Planning - young couple looking over their financial papers on the floor

Simple Personal Finance Best Practices Checklist

Are you looking for a checklist of best practices to set your financial house in order? Here’s our short, simple list of Personal Finance Best Practices (at any age) Live within your Means – Cover your essentials and decide on your extras. Have Health Insurance Coverage – That fits your situation. Establish Automatic Payments –

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Financials 101: 26 Financial Tips for the Next Generation

Why is it important to start early in saving for retirement?  Here are a few stats to ponder…the Government Accountability Office study (2019) found that nearly 48% of Americans ages 55 and older don’t have any retirement nest egg or traditional pension plan. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found in its 20th annual survey that

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