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Wealth Planning Corporation in Cincinnati 40th Anniversary logo

Our Giving Back List: 40 Acts of Kindness

40 Acts of Kindness   Our Giving Back List of 40 Acts of Kindness is growing to showcase the amazing generosity and charity of our team and our clients.  Our clients have demonstrated numerous acts of kindness through the years. In fact, just last year the Qualified Charitable Donations (QCD’s) distributed from our client accounts […]

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parents with new kids saving

Parents with New Kids – What to Know Starting Out

Parents with New Kids: What to Know Starting Out Young parents with new kids – what to know starting out.  Here are three quick tips for early financial success as you begin the journey. Building a family, thinking about budgets, worrying about college funding and protecting your family’s financial well-being may feel a little overwhelming.

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Cincinnati financial planning

Types of Investment Accounts

Investment and Savings Accounts What type of financial account do you have, and do you understand its tax consequences?   During client meetings we are often asked to explain what the differences are between various types of accounts, as well as how they are taxed. Read to learn more about employer plans, IRA’s, college savings

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Election Year and Market Impact Commentary

It’s an election year! Each election cycle brings campaigning, lots of news reporting and uncertainty.  A common question we are asked is how will the election year impact markets? Read our Election Year and Market Impact Commentary for the complete analysis and charts. Super Tuesday results are in! It looks, as though it will be

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Next Gen Financial Planning - young couple looking over their financial papers on the floor

Simple Personal Finance Best Practices Checklist

Are you looking for a checklist of best practices to set your financial house in order? Here’s our short, simple list of Personal Finance Best Practices (at any age) Live within your Means – Cover your essentials and decide on your extras. Have Health Insurance Coverage – That fits your situation. Establish Automatic Payments –

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3 Financial Tips for Recent College Grads: Tip 3

Post-graduation life can be so exciting for young professionals: there’s new experiences, new careers, and exciting opportunities to consider. With so many adjustments and transitions, this can also be an overwhelming time for young adults. Our team has helped many families and their adult children navigate this time and make important decisions in their first

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3 Financial Tips for Recent College Grads: Tip 2

Post-graduation life can be so exciting for young professionals: there’s new experiences, new careers, and exciting opportunities to consider. With so many adjustments and transitions, this can also be an overwhelming time for young adults. Our team has helped many families and their adult children navigate this time and make important decisions in their first

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3 Financial Tips for Recent College Grads: Tip 1

Post-graduation life can be so exciting for young professionals: there’s new experiences, new careers, and exciting opportunities to consider. With so many adjustments and transitions, this can also be an overwhelming time for young adults. Our team has helped many families and their adult children navigate this time and make important decisions in their first

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Cincinnati financial planning

Heading into Retirement? Here is your must-know information.’s a popular saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” But when you’re heading into retirement, you need to be prepared with several essential pieces of information. Wealth Planning Corporation can make sure you know what you need to know. Here’s our list of must-have information upon retirement: Your Balance Sheet: A balance sheet

Heading into Retirement? Here is your must-know information. Read More »