General Information

New Year, New Retirement Contribution Limits…More in 2024

New Year, New Contribution Limits – More in 2024 At the beginning of each year, it is important to take a moment and familiarize yourself with the retirement contribution limits. Determine how the annual limits for contributing to retirement accounts relate to your financial goals. Adjusting your savings and investments sooner than later could have

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what your advisors are reading

What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month

WPC’s December Reading List  What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month.  Here’s our final reading list for 2023! We hope you find these curated articles and videos of interest. Watch for more of our lists in 2024.    This month we have a range of topics from housing sales and home buying to labor market data.

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monthly paycheck

I Miss My Monthly Paycheck – Part 2

Part 2 – Permission to Spend It   Permission to spend your hard-earned savings is what retirees need to hear.  Initially retirees feel unable or literally scared to spend their hard-earned income once the paychecks stop coming into their bank account.  Often the steps have been taken and monthly payments from investment accounts, Social Security

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What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month

November’s Reading List Successful savings habits, investment opinions, and financial planning articles are in the lineup this month. We thought you may find these articles of interest.  If you would like to check out our past lists, they are all archived on the website. Savings and Investing Jerry Yox Eight Important Success Habits I Learned

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tax prep information

Year-End Tax Information to Review

Before the year is over, cover all your bases and review tax savings strategies to assess if it is beneficial today or in the future.  Part of planning is trying to optimize tax savings over your entire lifetime.   Below is a list of questions to ask yourself and answer before December 31st. Review Tax Withholding

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Year End Charitable Gifting

December is fast approaching, now is a great time to review your charitable gifting plans. Here are a few key points of information to know, as well as the potential benefits of charitable gifting. Charitable Gifting Info to Know December 31 is the cutoff date for donations. Organization must be registered with the federal government

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what your advisors are reading

What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month

October Reading List from your WPC Advisors   Articles this month focus on the updated Social Security COLA for 2024, long-term investing discipline, Medicare enrollment information, identity theft protection, and current interest rate outlooks. Social Security & Medicare Jerry:             Press Release | Press Office | SSA Tim:               Medicare

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Next Gen Wealth planning - couple lreviewing finances

Where to Start?

What should be the focus in discussions with a financial advisor? Financial or wealth planning has a broad range of topics.  As CFP® Financial Planners, our focus is on individuals and families achieving their wealth goals and financial security.  Often, we meet individuals who are simply overwhelmed. They ask, “Where do we even start?” or

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Financial Transitions and Timelines

What is your financial timeline? Where do you see yourself?  Do you know how to work through life’s many transitions? From young emerging investors to seasoned exceeding investors, along the way financial events will arise and wo will the need for confident financial decision making. We often hear from our clients “we don’t want to

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