What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month

what your advisors are reading this month

What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month  

A Financial Articles Reading List from your WPC Advisors


What Your Advisors are Reading This Month includes articles written with a focus on investment management, economic conditions, and financial planning. We hope you find these articles sourced from trusted news providers interesting.   Be sure to check back monthly for more reading!

Market, Economic and Financial Planning Articles


Patrick Scarborough: Backdoor Twists And Mega Turns (fa-mag.com)

Todd Lyon: https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2024/08/financial-voices-i-ignore/

Jerry Yox: Home buyers wade back into housing market as mortgage rates fall for fifth week in a row (msn.com)

Malea Hornback: Fed Expected To Start Interest Rate Cuts Incrementally On September 18 (forbes.com)

Tim Dougherty: 9 Roth IRA benefits | Fidelity

Noah Sayre:  The Jobs Mosaic | J.P. Morgan Asset Management (jpmorgan.com)

Average Americans are not prioritizing 401(k)s, student loans, and family planning – TheStreet

For more What Your Advisors are Reading This Month and all of our blogs, articles and checklists, visit our resources page at Resources – Wealth Planning Corporation

Recent Blogs:

WPC helps clients navigate complexity and create sustainable solutions for financial security. Our primary focus is to improve our clients’ long-term financial well-being.  Visit www.wealthp.com to learn more.

Our goal as a firm is to provide quality, custom advice, exceptional service, and follow-through with every client encounter. We seek to educate each client and increase their financial confidence in all interactions and communications.

What Your Advisors Are Reading This Month is one of a series of communications dedicated to this effort. Watch for more content and reading lists throughout the year.

Planning, Coaching, Advising – since 1984


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